I write enough as it is! So I thought I’d “show” you my biography in a picture scrapbook format, instead….

That’s me on the right. My father was an art teacher and our whole family moved to Germany for four years (5th-8th grade for me) so that he could teach at Frankfurt International School. During those years we were able to travel all over Europe. We stayed in so many campgrounds that my mom, sisters, and I overdosed on them and have refused to “rough it” ever since.

My sister and me (on the right at 13) on a trip to Japan. You can bet I didn’t include this photo to call attention to my hairstyle. I like it because, if you look closely, you’ll see that I’d stopped reading my novel just long enough to do my mom’s bidding and pose for a picture. I have always loved books.

My family returned to Riverside in time for me to enter high school. Maybe some of you can relate: 9th grade is not an easy time for a kid to assimilate into a new school. Somehow, I managed to squeak onto the cheerleading squad, which helped matters a little. Hope you’re getting as much entertainment at my expense over the hair, make-up, and outfit in this photo as I am.

During the early years of our marriage, my husband worked for an international tennis management company. They sent us first to the Caribbean island of Anguilla, where we lived for 3 years. I’d always been a bookworm, but had never considered writing as a profession until I found myself on a remote island with time on my hands, an imagination, a love of romance novels, and a computer. I thought, “Huh. Maybe I could do this?” and started work on my first manuscript.
God, it turns out, had different plans.
In His time, He began to nudge me to write again. Still romances, but romances written for Him and for the Christian market. I started fleshing out a story idea. Then eventually, I carved out the time to sit down in front of my computer. Slowly but surely, I wrote My Stubborn Heart.
The fact that I was able to complete it while simultaneously mothering my 3 kids is a flat-out miracle. I can’t attribute it to anything except His greatness. I would have failed unless He helped me. But, He’s full of mercy and sufficiency and He did help me. Anything good, entertaining, or moving about my books comes from Him and is due strictly to His ability.
So here I am – amazed, humbled, and thankful beyond words that God has given me a second chance to be an author at this particular phase and stage of my life.
I’m grateful for the journey He’s led me on so far and excited and expectant about the journey ahead.